Capital-TradeFund is an online website and platform that allows users to securely buy/sell digital assets. Our mission is to be the safest, easiest and most transparent digital asset platform in existence. These Terms of Service (the “Terms”), the Privacy and Transparency Statement and any and all other agreements between Capital-TradeFund and its users will use the following definitions:

- “Customer,” “user,” “you,” and “your” refers to the person or entity accessing and/or using Capital-TradeFund

- “Company,” “our,” “Capital-TradeFund,” “Website,” “we,” and “us” collectively refers to the online website and platform “Capital-TradeFund” and its owners, directors, officers, employees, operators, agents, insurers, suppliers, and attorneys.

- “Party” may refer to either you or us, and “Parties” refers to both you and us. For the avoidance of any doubt, the contracting parties in our Terms are you and Capital-TradeFund.

- “Asset,” “digital asset,” “coin,” “cryptocurrency,” “funds,” “good,” “ledger entry,” and “token” refer to blockchain-based software ledger data entries.

1. Acceptance of Terms

By accessing the website, you agree to be bound by our Terms and all applicable laws, rules and regulations, and you agree that you are responsible for compliance with, and that you are compliant with, all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. If you do not agree with any of our Terms, you are prohibited from using or accessing the Website or platform; your only recourse is to stop using the Website. Any use of the Website is your deemed acceptance of our Terms as they may be modified and amended from time to time.

1.1. Modification

Capital-TradeFund may revise our Terms at any time and without notice to you or third parties. By using the Website, you agree to be bound by the then-current version of our Terms. Continued use of the Website after a revision may affect transactions or other activities that you have already undertaken. We reserve the right to make any changes retroactively. You should check back often in case our Terms undergo changes.

2. Eligibility.

By using the Website, you represent and warrant that you are:
1. at least 18 years old and have full capacity to contract under applicable law,
2. only transacting on Capital-TradeFund with legally-obtained funds that belong to you,
3. not furthering, performing, undertaking, engaging in, aiding, or abetting any unlawful 
activity through your relationship with us or through your use of Capital-TradeFund, and
4. complying with and obeying all applicable laws, rules and regulations.

We reserve the right to terminate your access to Capital-TradeFund for any reason and in our sole and absolute discretion. Use of Capital-TradeFund is void where prohibited by applicable law.

3. Restrictions on Use

3.1. Prohibited Jurisdictions

You are prohibited from using or accessing Capital-TradeFund from North Korea.

Transactions from users in these jurisdictions are prohibited, and Capital-TradeFund may seize any funds from users in these jurisdictions and donate them to a charity at Capital-TradeFund’s sole discretion. By accessing this site or any services therein, you represent and warrant that you are not physically located in these prohibited jurisdictions.

3.2. Source of Funds

You are prohibited from using or accessing Capital-TradeFund to transmit or exchange digital assets that are the direct or indirect proceeds of any criminal or fraudulent activity, including terrorism or tax evasion. Capital-TradeFund reserves the right to deny, delay, or cancel a transaction it perceives as a risk of criminal or fraudulent activity.

3.3. Abuse of Platform

You are prohibited from using or accessing Capital-TradeFund in an abusive manner. This may include, without limitation and in Capital-TradeFund’s sole discretion, submission of transactions or other data which imposes an unreasonable or unmanageably large load on the Capital-TradeFund platform, whether or not it interferes with normal operations.

3.4. Counterparties

Capital-TradeFund and all its services may be used only as a mechanism of software ledger entry translation between the user and Capital-TradeFund, i.e. all transactions processed by Capital-TradeFund are two-party transactions. You are prohibited from using Capital-TradeFund for the purpose of translating ledger entries with any other parties. For the avoidance of doubt, you must be the beneficial owner of both the sending address of the input assets, the destination address and the refund address for each transaction.

4. Prices, Exchange Rates, and Confirmations

Cryptocurrency and digital assets are highly experimental and risky. Capital-TradeFund’s service attempts to provide accurate price and exchange rate information, but this information is highly volatile and can change quickly without users necessarily being aware of these changes. For normal orders (i.e., all orders except “Precise Amount” orders), the exchange rate you receive is calculated at the time your payment is accepted. Due to varying security between blockchains, your payment is typically considered “accepted” at one block confirmation. Capital-TradeFund may occasionally accept a payment with zero confirmations, though this decision is at Capital-TradeFund’s sole discretion. It is important to note that a payment being broadcast to the blockchain network does not constitute an acceptance by Capital-TradeFund of that payment. Users who are sensitive to the exchange rate they receive should use Capital-TradeFund’s “Precise Amount” feature, which guarantees an exchange rate for a specified period of time. The user’s payment must be received and accepted by Capital-TradeFund within that period in order to receive the guaranteed exchange rate. You may contact customer support for more information on exchange rates.

Capital-TradeFund only accepts one deposit per transaction ID (“TXID”). If your funds are deposited in a TXID with more than one deposit, you will need to contact support to receive a refund. The exchange rate will not be honored and your exchange will not be completed. User deposits to Capital-TradeFund that do not confirm within 48 hours of being detected will be cancelled. Refund requests will be honored after the deposit is confirmed on the blockchain.

5. Third-Party Phishing Scams

There are fake websites pretending to be Capital-TradeFund known as "phishing scams.” They often use a misspelled URL that looks like "" in order to trick users into sending them funds. DO NOT USE ANY SERVICE THAT ISN'T LOCATED EXACTLY AT THE “” DOMAIN. Capital-TradeFund is not responsible for funds that have been sent to any fake Capital-TradeFund phishing scams. It is the responsibility of the user to verify they are visiting the correct domain and to search for the security certificate in the URL bar of their browser, which may look like this: Users should not trust private messages, solicitations or requests for funds from people claiming to represent Capital-TradeFund unless you have verified that it is an official request from a Capital-TradeFund employee. When in doubt, contact us directly to verify any messaging. Stay diligent and please report any phishing scams to our team through the Capital-TradeFund Help Center, located here: [email protected]

6. Costs

From time to time, we may need to spend time dealing with issues brought to us by customers. Where any customer issue is not caused by our negligence or oversight, we reserve the right to recover reasonable administrative costs spent addressing the customer issue.

7. Investment Advice

Capital-TradeFund does not endorse or recommend any particular digital asset, transaction, or purchasing strategy. No content on the Capital-TradeFund website nor communications with company personnel constitutes purchase or investment advice and independent advice should be sought where appropriate. You acknowledge and agree that all purchase decisions are made solely by you and Capital-TradeFund bears no responsibility or liability for the outcome of your decisions.

The digital assets available on the Capital-TradeFund platform are not securities and users should not expect profits from the purchase of any digital asset. All purchases should be made with the intent to make use of the underlying utility of the digital asset.

8. Privacy and Transparency Statement

Capital-TradeFund respects the privacy of its users by not requesting any information that is unnecessary for the use of the service or to comport with our obligations under applicable law. Capital-TradeFund also does not in any way obscure the information that it does request or obtain. Due to the inherent transparency of blockchains, transactions to and from Capital-TradeFund are public and easily correlated. Utilizing Capital-TradeFund to obscure transactions or assets in any way is pointless, ineffective, and ill-advised. Law enforcement has full access to blockchain information that goes in or out of Capital-TradeFund’s system.

You accept that Capital-TradeFund will comply willingly with all legal requests for information from it. We reserve the right to provide information to law enforcement personnel and other third parties to answer inquiries, participate in investigations, respond to legal process, respond to the order of a court of competent jurisdiction and those exercising the court’s authority, and to protect Capital-TradeFund and our users. By accepting our Terms, you expressly allow us to export data outside of the jurisdiction in which you reside or are located when you access Capital-TradeFund.

9. Investigations

You agree and accept that you will comply fully with any investigations initiated and conducted by Capital-TradeFund for any reason. This includes, without limitation, responding to interrogatories and furnishing materials to Capital-TradeFund within the timeframe prescribed by us. You must not impede or delay any investigation conducted by Capital-TradeFund.

10. Limitations

Use of Capital-TradeFund may carry financial risk, and is to be used as an experimental software utility only. In no event shall Capital-TradeFund be liable or responsible for any damages, claims, applications, losses, injuries, delays, accidents, costs, business interruption costs, or other expenses (including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees or the costs of any claim or suit), nor for any incidental, direct, indirect, general, special, punitive, exemplary, or consequential damages, loss of goodwill or business profits, loss of cryptocurrency or digital assets, work stoppage, data loss, computer failure or malfunction, or any other commercial or other losses directly or indirectly arising out of or related to: our Terms; the Privacy and Transparency Statement; any service of Capital-TradeFund; the use of Capital-TradeFund; any use of your digital assets or cryptocurrency on Capital-TradeFund by any other party not authorized by you (collectively, all of the foregoing items shall be referred to herein as “Losses”).

Capital-TradeFund is hereby released by you from liability for any and all Losses. We disclaim any and all warranties or guarantees, including any warranty of merchantability and warranty of fitness for any particular purpose. The foregoing limitations of liability shall apply whether the alleged liability or Losses are based on contract, negligence, tort, strict liability, or any other basis, even if Capital-TradeFund has been advised of or should have known of the possibility of such losses and damages, and without regard to the success or effectiveness of other remedies.

Notwithstanding anything else in our Terms, in no event shall the combined aggregate liability of Capital-TradeFund for any Loss hereunder exceed 50 EUR.

11. Contact Us

Capital-TradeFund employs a robust support staff ready to discuss with you any questions, complaints or issues you may be having with Capital-TradeFund. We cannot guarantee a response time, but we make efforts to respond within 48 hours. The easiest way to contact us is through the Capital-TradeFund Help Center, located here: [email protected] For all correspondence, please include any necessary identifying information such as your name, return email or physical address, and any transaction IDs relevant to your request. Failure to do so may prevent us from providing a response.

12. Copyright

The materials contained in the Website are protected by applicable copyright and trademark laws and treaties.

13. Severability

If any provision of these Terms is to any extent illegal, otherwise invalid or incapable of being enforced, such term shall be excluded to the extent of such invalidity or unenforceability and all other terms hereof shall remain in full force and effect. To the extent permitted and possible, any invalid or unenforceable provisions shall be deemed replaced by a term that is valid and enforceable and that comes closest to expressing the intention of such invalid or unenforceable provision.

14. Entire Agreement

These Terms completely and exclusively state the agreement between you and Capital-TradeFund regarding their subject matter. These Terms supersede and govern all prior or contemporaneous understandings, representations, agreements, or other communications between you and Capital-TradeFund, oral or written, regarding such subject matter.

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